Kozloduy NPP is the only nuclear power plant in Bulgaria and the country's major electricity producer, providing for more than one third of the national annual electricity generation. This, together with the high level of operational safety and the reliable power supplies, underlie the plant's role as a key factor for the stability of the national energy system and the energy security of the country.

Kozloduy NPP is also a key actor in initiating the electricity market liberalisation process in Bulgaria, being the first company to register an electricity sale transaction at a freely negotiated price. The company is the preferred business partner for a wide range of market participants operating both on the domestic and оn the regional markets.


There are 6 nuclear power units constructed on the Kozloduy NPP site with a total electricity generation capacity of 3760 MW, equipped with pressurised water reactors, which are the most widely used reactors across the world. Currently Kozloduy NPP EAD operates two nuclear power units – Units 5 and 6 with WWER-1000 reactors, and two spent nuclear fuel storage facilities – a spent fuel storage facility with underwater storage technology, and a dry spent fuel storage facility.

  Unit 5 Unit 6
Technology Pressurised water reactor Pressurised water reactor
Type WWER-1000 WWER-1000
Commissioned, year 1987  1991 
Operating licence validity Unlimited term  Unlimited term 

Kozloduy NPP safety is a top priority and subject to independent state supervision by the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency. As a result of the numerous missions and peer reviews conducted in recent years by teams of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Association of Nuclear Operators, the Working Party on Atomic Questions at the Council of the EU, etc., Kozloduy NPP has received high appraisal and international recognition for ensuring nuclear safety, and can be successfully benchmarked with the best nuclear power plants worldwide.


Kozloduy NPP, whose motto is Clean Energy, plays a significant role in the fight against climate change and has a real contribution to the achievement of the environmental goals for decarbonisation. The electricity production by the NPP practically does not generate any greenhouse gases and contributes significantly to the preservation of the environment. Since the start of operation of Kozloduy NPP Unit 1 until the end of 2024, the nuclear power plant has produced 715,579,437 MWh of electricity. This has saved the harmful impact on the environment of about 844,788 thousand tons of carbon dioxide.

In 2024 only, the electricity generated by Kozloduy NPP spared the public and environment the harmful effects of 16.99 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), 42 thousand tons of sulphur dioxide (SO2), 13 thousand tons of nitrogen oxides (NOx), and 3,000 tons of ashes containing natural radioactivity.

In 2018, Kozloduy NPP received a prestigious award in the National competition “The Greenest Companies in Bulgaria” in the category “Energy, Water Section”. In 2019, the power plant was again awarded in the “Green Initiative” category of the same competition for its environmental role and consistent policy on environmental protection and rational usage of natural resources with the aim of preserving and conserving ecosystems and public health.  In 2019, Kozloduy NPP was the winner of the “Kubratov sword” prize of the Bulgarian Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster for its contribution to the development of electric mobility in Bulgaria.




Kozloduy NPP consistently applies responsible business practices in the field of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and fight against corruption. A number of specific activities / programmes focus on improving human capital, ensuring occupational health and safety, future development of the region, and environmental protection. Thus, the nuclear power plant, being a member of the Bulgarian Network of the UN Global Compact, strongly supports the values raised as main principles of the Global Compact.


2021   2020   2019   2018   2016/2017
